Purchase the experience together and fly in succession, one after the other and for as long as you wish.

  • AeroDouble: two one-minute entries per person.
  • AeroSix: two one-minute entries per person if used by three people or two one-and-a-half-minute entries per person if used by two people.
  • This proposal is dedicated to anyone who wants to share the thrill of flight! The presence of our experienced instructors will allow you to receive the necessary information regarding the trim to be kept in the air, for an experience marked by full safety and maximum fun.

    Attention: Aero Gravity does not include flying in pairs, but the advantage of purchasing the flight package together with a person of your choice to then enjoy the experience individually, as part of the same session. Enjoy!


    Flying in company is a very enjoyable experience for all involved and can be enjoyed with anyone you wish. Although flight room entries are always individual, the experience is still shared. It could be perfect to celebrate an important moment in a relationship or the achievement of a crucial accomplishment, whether personal or business, or simply to experience together with another person such an extraordinary event as flying in Aero Gravity. The choice is yours!


Let’s shed some light on one of our most popular packages.

AeroDOUBLE can be used by a single person who wants to fly for a prolonged time (4 minutes instead of two) or by two people who will have two entrances available for two minutes each. All you need to do is choose! And you don’t have to decide right away, you can tell it to the reception just before your flight.

The package includes a briefing, an instructor and 240 seconds of total flight.


AeroSIX is dedicated to one, two or three participants. It includes a briefing, an instructor, equipment and 6 minutes of flight to be shared among the participants.


Flying as a pair is a very fun experience for both people involved and can be experienced with anyone who wishes it. Although the entrances in the flight room are always individual, the experience is still shared. It could be perfect to celebrate an important moment in a relationship or to reach a crucial result, both personal and working, or simply to experience together with another person an event as extraordinary as the flight in Aero Gravity. It’s up to you!

Required experience

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