The Aero Gravity experience is really available to everyone. Our structure’s maximum safety and the great experience of our instructors will allow you to fly risk-free, to feel light and free, to experience a unique and unforgettable experience of wellness.

Every detail of your flight experience will be explained to you in advance, and the flight will naturally take place with the instructor.

Have fun and let yourself go.

With the Disability Project flying in Aero Gravity is unique and tailored to your needs! Fill in the form and get in touch with us

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    AeroSTART is a package dedicated to the beginner that requires an exclusive experience with a professional coach. It includes a briefing, 180 seconds of flight and one minute for entry and exit procedures for a disabled person.

    AEROSTART + Chaperone

    AeroSTART is a package dedicated to the beginner that requires an exclusive experience with a professional coach. It includes a briefing, a personal instructor, 180 seconds of flight, one minute for entry and exit procedures plus 120 seconds of flight for the chaperone.


    AeroKIDS is the experience dedicated to children between 4 and 11 years of age. It includes a briefing, a personal instructor, 180 seconds of flight and one minute for entry and exit procedures for a disabled person.

    AEROKIDS + Chaperone

    It is the experience dedicated to children between 4 and 11 years of age. It includes a briefing, a personal instructor, 180 seconds of flight, one minute for entry and exit procedures plus 120 seconds of flight for the chaperone.


    It is the experience dedicated to families up to 4 people. It includes a briefing and 10 minutes of flight divided as follows: 180 seconds of flight and 1 minute for entry and exit procedures for the disabled person, the remaining time is divided among participants.


    Everybody can fly! With the Disability Project, Aero Gravity promotes and encourages the experience of indoor flight and does so through different solutions designed to meet the most varied needs.

    The basic package includes 3 minutes of flight plus an extra minute more dedicated to entry and exit procedures, to experience the maximum intensity!


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